Propane Safety FAQ
What should I do if I smell propane?
If you smell rotten eggs and conclude it’s gas, open the windows, and immediately get everyone out of your house. Next, shut off the main gas supply valve on the tank, cylinder or appliance where you suspect the gas is coming from. Never turn electrical switches on or off, refrain from using phones, matches or any electrical device. If you’re unfamiliar with where the supply shutoff valve is, always confirm with a Brown’s Fuels technician. This is a very important safety measure you should be aware of.
Will everyone in my household recognize the smell of leaking gas?
Not necessarily. In fact, depending on your family members age, and whether they have allergies or an illness, will determine whether they can detect the smell of propane. If your partner has a head cold or hay fever, they may fail to smell anything. Furthermore, if you have other strong odours present in your home such as curry, it may overpower the smell of propane entirely.
Aside from the odour, what can I do to make sure my family will know whether propane is leaking?
We strongly recommend that you have a propane gas detector installed in your home for safety purposes. Should your family members not detect the smell of gas, this detector will sense the gas leak for you, notifying you and your family members of the detection.
Why does propane smell like rotten eggs anyways?
Most people associate the smell of propane with rotten eggs; in fact, it has become a common familiarity among consumers. What a lot of people don’t know though, is this scent is added to commercial propane on purpose, specifically so its presence can be detected quickly as a means of warning.
What should I do if I suspect an issue with one of my propane appliance’s?
First, it’s important to stop yourself from trying to repair or fix a propane appliance’s valves, regulators, connectors, controls, or a propane tank’s cylinder or parts. It’s always best to leave this job to the professionals who are trained to handle these things appropriately. If or when you determine there is an issue, contact Brown’s Fuels right away for quick servicing. A qualified technician from our team will be more than happy to come take a look. They will carefully inspect, adjust, repair, or replace any part of your propane system.
How does propane catch on fire?
When there is a propane leak from your tank or cylinder, the immediate mix with oxygen can cause flames to ignite immediately. What can ignite a fire? Sparks from lit cigarettes, electrical sparks, and in some cases static electricity such as that from a cell phone can even cause fire.
If I run out of propane are there any risks?
It’s never a good idea to let your propane tank run out of gas – there are serious safety risks if this happens. What can take place if your propane tanks run out?
• Appliance pilot lights will go out if you run out of propane – this can be a dangerous issue if it is not taken care of right away.
• Rust formation can occur when moisture and air make their way into an empty propane tank – this rust build-up can prevent you from smelling the rotten-egg scent of propane, which can lead to difficultly with detection.
• If your propane runs empty and a valve or gas line is left open, a leak can take place when the system is recharged.
• Should you run out of propane, you’ll need to contact your fuel supply company to carry out a leak test.
What can I do to reduce the potential of a leak?
Always be sure appliances that are propane operated receive regular maintenance to ensure all parts are working properly. If you’ve purchased new appliances, confirm yours is installed to operate on the right fuel or you’ll need to purchase a conversion kit. As a final step in reducing the chances of a leak, you can always request a qualified service technician to inspect your appliance for peace of mind.
Why do I require a 10-year propane inspection?
The 10-year inspection is a mandatory inspection required by the government and enforced by the Technical Safety Standards Authority (TSSA). It confirms that all customer owned equipment attached to the propane system is in quality shape and working as it should be according to code. At the end of the day, the inspection is required to protect your safety.